So, yeah ... about that nickname ...
My kids gave me the nickname Moum after they discovered it on their favorite blog in a post entitled "The Party". The girls laughed and laughed and laughed as they read the post aloud to me ... and so did I! They loved this story so much that they started calling me Moum just because the word delighted them. Happily, the name stuck and I now wear it like a badge of honor. But you can just call me Kris if you'd rather.
Here's a little bit more about who I am ...
~ I'm a married-and-love-it wife. My husband is my best friend and my best asset. I am so grateful to God for bringing us together.
~ I have two daughters and two bonus sons who rock my world in such great ways. Becoming a Mom is the very best thing I've ever done.
~ I have a good handful of friends (which include my sisters) who are "Manna from Heaven" and a wonderful family whom I adore. I can't imagine getting through life whole without them.
~ I love people, not things. I'm not materialistic. Don't get me wrong. I like nice things and places, but in the end if I can't take it with me then it's not worth much of a fuss from me. I can take people with me. They're worth everything.
~ I'm a forgiving person. I think holding grudges IS WEAK. It takes a lot more strength to forgive and LIVE than it does to be unforgiving and bitter. Who wants to be toxic anyway?
~ I'm a glass half full person. In fact on most days my glass is overflowing. Just ask me! :)
~ I work to live. I do not live to work.
~ I love to play and I have a strong sense of adventure. It sometimes mortifies my husband and I think his reactions to my ideas are pretty darn funny!
~ I'm grateful for the lessons I've learned so far in life, and I'm not afraid of the many more yet to be learned.
~ I think life is RICH no matter what circumstance you're in. Knowing that I'm created with a purpose and loved beyond my wildest dreams by my Creator gives me more hope and courage to get through the hard times, and more zeal to celebrate the good times.
~ Lastly, I'm not a religious person. Rather, I have a relationship with God and it defines who I am and how I think. He is my rock who has never failed me and never will.
Thanks for stopping in!
I hope you'll be amused, inspired, uplifted, and maybe even laugh a little while you're here.
I hope you'll be amused, inspired, uplifted, and maybe even laugh a little while you're here.

What a wonderful person, which I know by firsthand experience. I was wondering where "Moum" came from! :) Wishing you many happy blogging endeavors.
ReplyDeleteThank you, dear friend! It's so sweet of you to stop by and leave a note. I appreciate the wishes too. I hope some of your writing skills will hitch hike over with them. :D (Hug)