This, the eve of my
husband's 44th birthday, is a good time to re-post a poem I wrote for him a few
years back. Happy birthday, Honey-Bunny. I adore you and then some.
He is from ...
Being wanted and chosen,
Hard working hands,
Steady love,
And a lava jumping little sister
Whom he adores
More than he lets on.
He is from ...
Wheelbarrows without tires
With heavy loads,
Tractors for transportation
To buy candy from the country store,
Boyhood shenanigans,
And Atari with a good re-taping job
Under the Christmas tree.
He is ...
A proud father of sons
Born to him,
And of daughters
Lovingly grafted in,
He is "Bonus Dad"
And an honored example
To more than he is aware.
He is ...
A faithful soldier
In the fight for stability,
And the Captain of the Guard
Of my heart.
He is exceedingly, abundantly, more
Than my best imaginations.
This is Todd ...
Steady, good-natured, generous,
And fun-loving.
His life is an offering
To those he loves,
And his God.
A work in progress,
Always with purpose,
He is blessed by his Creator.
He's got what it takes.
"The Captain of the Guard of My Heart" :) |